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A Collection Of Things I’ve Learned As A Nanny

Working as a nanny has been an incredible learning experience, filled with valuable lessons about children, their development, and the small but impactful things that can make a big difference in their lives. Here are some key insights I’ve gained:

1) Be Careful of Hard To Clean Straws and Cups

One of the most surprising discoveries I’ve made is how easily some children's drinkware can harbor bacteria and mold- despite putting them in the dishwasher! I’ve seen families wonder why their kids keep getting sick, only to later open up a silicone straw and find black, gunky sludge throughout. Those hard-to-clean cups and straws can be a breeding ground for germs, so it’s essential to regularly take apart, clean, and properly dry all reusable drinkware.

2) Kids Are Literal Sponges

Children mimic and absorb everything around them. They learn about life, emotions, communication, and behavior from the people they interact with daily. This means that the company you keep and how you behave around children matters immensely. If you want to instill certain values and morals in them, the most effective way is leading by example. Teaching children to follow a "do as I say, not as I do" approach doesn’t work—kids learn by copying. So, embody the lessons and behavior you want them to pick up.

3) Play Is The Universal Language Of Children

Play is so much more than just fun; it is the primary way children communicate, learn, and explore the world. Whether you’re working with children who speak different languages, have different abilities, or come from different cultural backgrounds, play can break down barriers and foster connection. Encouraging imaginative play, outdoor activities, and hands-on learning not only helps with cognitive development but also builds confidence and social skills. Generally speaking, the parent that plays the most with their child tends to be the one that children gravitate towards more.

4) A Peaceful Bedtime Routine Starts With You

A calm and structured bedtime routine can make all the difference. About an hour before bed, I dim the lights and even throw in a few fake yawns to subtly encourage sleepiness. When reading books, I gradually lower the tone of my voicewith each story. Most importantly, I remain calm and 'sleepy' throughout the process—getting frustrated only makes the bedtime routine longer and more stressful for both you and the child. Keeping a soothing presence helps ease them into sleep more smoothly.

5) Cognitive Milestones Matter Just As Much As Physical Ones

Parents are often (and rightly) very excited about physical milestones like walking, crawling, eating solid foods, and talking. However, cognitive milestones are just as crucial! Sometimes, parenting can feel frustrating because we expect children to understand our instructions and stop having tantrums, but often, tantrums occur because children are not yet cognitively able to grasp why they’re being asked to do something.

For example, toddlers live entirely in the present moment, which is why potty training can be tricky. Many children will only say they need to use the toilet as they are physically going, not beforehand. This isn't just a physical obstacle but a cognitive one. If your child has tantrums when asked to use the toilet before leaving the house, it may be because they genuinely do not understand the concept of predicting their future need to go.

Other cognitive challenges children must learn to navigate include delayed gratification, selflessness, justice, patience, and compromise. These are all milestones they will reach over time, but as they work through these complex ideas, they may express their frustration through tantrums. Recognising these cognitive limitations can help parents and caregivers respond with patience and guidance.

Final Thoughts

Being a nanny has taught me that the smallest details, from how we clean a child’s cup to how we behave around them, can shape their health, values, and worldview. Understanding that children are always watching, learning, and engaging through play has deepened my appreciation for the profound impact caregivers have.

What are some surprising or important lessons you’ve learned from children? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments!

Written By Nanny Emmy

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